24 Hour Emergency and General Lock Service
Our lock service division plays a key role in the field of security technology in Hungary.
Our services are available for the private, business and public sectors alike.
• "as a 24 hours emergency lock service "...
…we operate in Budapest and its outskirts
• "as a general lock service"...
…we aim to serve the whole of Hungary
The foundation of our 24 Hours Lock Service was laid down by our Master, Zoltán Boros in 1991. Since then, we have completed more than 60.000 orders, installed nearly 200.000 security technology products and handed over approximately 1.000.000 keys. We are still available at the same phone number as back in the 90’s. Our satisfied customers as well as the favourable value for money of our services serve as the clear key to our success.
Since 2012, we have been operating with the name LETIS Hungary Ltd. as a family business based in Budapest. We are happy to have friends, siblings and cousins as members of our team of workers. Presently, we are at our clients’ disposal with 14 colleagues, 8 vehicles, a back office, workshop support and a considerable physical stock.